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1st year special events - 1st B-day

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Sophie's Bat Mitzfa

22 months Jose's B-day with Judith

22 months Pegasis horses

22 months Pegasis horses

22 months with dad

22 months with dad

22 months Greenhill party

22 months angie

22 months Kathrine.jpg

22 months

22 months

22 months Cregg.jpg

22 months at school

22 months with Steven

22 months, cousin alison and betsy rosen

22 months with Daisy

22 months with tortilla man

22 months with Amy

22 months with Curtis

22 monthsat Football game

22 months game boy

22 months blake lieberman

22 months Hudson Crocker

22 months Jose

22 months Keven Krocker

22 months Roger and Renee Andres

22 months school

22 months Aunt Ann

22 months Steve Lieberman

22 months yolanda jose.jpg

22 months Yom Kippor dinner

22 months Yom Kippor

22 months play

22 months soccer Blake Lieberman

22 months Lliebermans

22 months

22 months , lot's of bunnies

22 months Dallas Zoo

22 months Mrs. Judi

22 months Caraline